Geisha Band Free MP3 and Video

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Geisha Band Free MP3 and Video

The band stood at the end of December 2003. The band has won a variety of musical achievement in his home town of Pekanbaru. Achieved extraordinary success that the band consisted of Momo [vocals], Roby [guitar] leader, Aan [drums], Amek [keyboard] and Bernard [bass], is currently a finalist A Mild Live Wanted 2007.

Geisha Band
Originally the band was called Orange. Orange Personal time consisted of Febri [drums] leader, Momo [vocals], Roby [guitar], Aan [guitar], Amek [keyboard], and Bernard [bass]. Indie hits song they ever remove them, Hey_ya (forever), Sha La La, Love Lost. Forever is a song that has been re-released songs for the compilation of A Mild Live Wanted 2007 along with D'Masiv.

Geisha Band Free MP3 and Video
Geisha Band songs are works of music which tells the life of a lot going on around us. Geisha own progressive rock waterfall dialiran art, because in the creation of songs, Geisha Band combines various different elements, so that became a characteristic of a Geisha with the pounding beat of rock music and rhythm quite fast.

Geisha Band
Year 2009, Geisha finally got a contract with Musica Studios for the debut album which bertitelkan Anugerah Terindah. They also rely on a song called "Be true to Me."
