UTOPIA BAND Initially, the emergence of a band called Utopia is only considered to tow one band that was popular first. Moreover, later vocalist mentioned have a similar vocal. Be a trade mark that immediately pierced follower. Fortunately the band that manned Pia Fellini (vocals / guitar), Indra (bass), Dodo (guitar) and Tommy (drums) is not broke. First single a few years ago, Between There and Gone catapulted the band into a row of the band that sold well. Indeed so successful that burden. But of course not turn off kretivitas and work of the band from Bandung. The proof, after passing the journey is not short, Utopia instituted a given title third album BEAUTIFUL.
Name: Pia Fellini
Position: vocals / guitar
Name: Indra
Position: bass
Name: Dodo
Position: guitar
Name: Tommy
Position: drums
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