Shoutul Harokah (ShouHAR)
ShouHAR stand up in Bandung on December 31, 2001 formed on the basis of the desire to make nasyid as a means of spreading the Islamic da'wa and encouragement da'wa activists around the world.
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FREE VIDEO Shoutul Harokah
ShouHAR pioneered by da'wa activists in Indonesia, such as Muhammad Taufik Ridlo, Lc., M.Dipl.Ec da'wa activist who is also an alumnus of the middle eastern Islamic economists, Hilman Rosyad Syihab, Lc da'wa activists also an alumnus of the middle east that pick up the field of Islamic scholarship, Rikrik Hartadi, Ridwan Solichin, Cecep D Hidayat, Raden Candra, Asep Irawan is da'wa activists and school campus there is also Umar Rakhmatullah, Andhika (Drummer) ShouHAR same personnel also pioneered this nasyid team but due to busy life they no longer join the team this nasheed. For further Drummer positions filled by two young people who have background music that is full of experience and Raphael Prapanca Prawira Bakti.
Already five albums and one single album released by ShouHAR during nine years of doing this archipelago nasyid dibelantika world, the first album was "Justice Trot" (2003), Album "relentless" (2005), Album "This step" (2006), Album "Rise Negeriku Hope It Still There" (2008), Arab Nasyid Album Collection (2009) and Album Single "Mars Women's Justice" (2009)
Appearing in various national or international event and event-event nasyid could not be counted, because almost certainly if there are big events will always be invited ShouHAR especially if there are themes about humanity and the struggle of the Palestinian people, different regions have in sambangi ShouHAR dinusantara to give morale-nasyid nasyid da'wa through struggles that are characteristic of this nasyid team. ShouHAR award ever obtained was from the Palestinian Parliamentary Caucus on ShouHAR concern in defense of Palestinians participated through their works the award was delivered directly by the chairman of the Palestinian Parliament in Jakarta (2009), In Indonesia ShouHAR occupy the top step in the charts for the category of Ring Back Tone Indie Religion.
Nama Muhammad Taufik Ridlo, Lc
Tpt Tgl Lahir Palu, 02 Oktober 1964
Alamat Jl. Raya Rancaekek no.43 Kab.Bandung,Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Hilman Rosyad Sihab, Lc
Tpt Tgl Lahir Garut, 29 Juni 1969
Alamat Beiji Depok, Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Mubaligh
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Rikrik Hartadi
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bandung, 08 Maret 1973
Alamat Jl. Prabu Gajah Agung Gg. Mawar Putih 2 No.1 Kab.Sumedang Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Cecep Dian Hidayat
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bandung, 23 Februari 1978
Alamat Komplek Gending Mas BlokA4 No.4 Kel.Pasir Jati, Kec. Ujungberung-Bandung Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Raden Candra Sukma Kelana
Tpt Tgl Lahir Medan, 07 April 1972
Alamat Jl. Teknologi V No.11 RT 07/08 Kel.Cibabat,Kec.Cimahi Utara,Kota Cimahi Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Ridwan Solichin
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bau-bau (Buton) 21 Oktober 1976
Alamat Jl. Kolonel Achmad Syam No.9A RT02/04 Jatinangor-Kab.Sumedang Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Dosen
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Asep Irawan
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bandung, 18 Oktober 1969
Alamat Jl. Kebon Jayanti No.99 RT 01/08 Kiaracondong Bandung Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Bakti Prawira
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bandung, 19 Mei 1978
Alamat Komplek Gending Mas BlokA4 No.11 Kel.Pasir Jati, Kec. Ujungberung-Bandung Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Raphael Prapanca
Tpt Tgl Lahir Jakarta, 19 April 1982
Alamat Balimatraman, Jl. Swadaya 1 RT14/09 Manggarai Tebet Jakarta Selatan
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Pegawai Swasta
Keterangan Drummer
FREE DOWNLOAD MP3 Shoutul Harokah
FREE VIDEO Shoutul Harokah
ShouHAR pioneered by da'wa activists in Indonesia, such as Muhammad Taufik Ridlo, Lc., M.Dipl.Ec da'wa activist who is also an alumnus of the middle eastern Islamic economists, Hilman Rosyad Syihab, Lc da'wa activists also an alumnus of the middle east that pick up the field of Islamic scholarship, Rikrik Hartadi, Ridwan Solichin, Cecep D Hidayat, Raden Candra, Asep Irawan is da'wa activists and school campus there is also Umar Rakhmatullah, Andhika (Drummer) ShouHAR same personnel also pioneered this nasyid team but due to busy life they no longer join the team this nasheed. For further Drummer positions filled by two young people who have background music that is full of experience and Raphael Prapanca Prawira Bakti.
Already five albums and one single album released by ShouHAR during nine years of doing this archipelago nasyid dibelantika world, the first album was "Justice Trot" (2003), Album "relentless" (2005), Album "This step" (2006), Album "Rise Negeriku Hope It Still There" (2008), Arab Nasyid Album Collection (2009) and Album Single "Mars Women's Justice" (2009)
Appearing in various national or international event and event-event nasyid could not be counted, because almost certainly if there are big events will always be invited ShouHAR especially if there are themes about humanity and the struggle of the Palestinian people, different regions have in sambangi ShouHAR dinusantara to give morale-nasyid nasyid da'wa through struggles that are characteristic of this nasyid team. ShouHAR award ever obtained was from the Palestinian Parliamentary Caucus on ShouHAR concern in defense of Palestinians participated through their works the award was delivered directly by the chairman of the Palestinian Parliament in Jakarta (2009), In Indonesia ShouHAR occupy the top step in the charts for the category of Ring Back Tone Indie Religion.
Nama Muhammad Taufik Ridlo, Lc
Tpt Tgl Lahir Palu, 02 Oktober 1964
Alamat Jl. Raya Rancaekek no.43 Kab.Bandung,Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Hilman Rosyad Sihab, Lc
Tpt Tgl Lahir Garut, 29 Juni 1969
Alamat Beiji Depok, Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Mubaligh
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Rikrik Hartadi
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bandung, 08 Maret 1973
Alamat Jl. Prabu Gajah Agung Gg. Mawar Putih 2 No.1 Kab.Sumedang Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Cecep Dian Hidayat
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bandung, 23 Februari 1978
Alamat Komplek Gending Mas BlokA4 No.4 Kel.Pasir Jati, Kec. Ujungberung-Bandung Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Raden Candra Sukma Kelana
Tpt Tgl Lahir Medan, 07 April 1972
Alamat Jl. Teknologi V No.11 RT 07/08 Kel.Cibabat,Kec.Cimahi Utara,Kota Cimahi Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Ridwan Solichin
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bau-bau (Buton) 21 Oktober 1976
Alamat Jl. Kolonel Achmad Syam No.9A RT02/04 Jatinangor-Kab.Sumedang Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Dosen
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Asep Irawan
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bandung, 18 Oktober 1969
Alamat Jl. Kebon Jayanti No.99 RT 01/08 Kiaracondong Bandung Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Bakti Prawira
Tpt Tgl Lahir Bandung, 19 Mei 1978
Alamat Komplek Gending Mas BlokA4 No.11 Kel.Pasir Jati, Kec. Ujungberung-Bandung Jawa Barat
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta
Keterangan Vokalis
Nama Raphael Prapanca
Tpt Tgl Lahir Jakarta, 19 April 1982
Alamat Balimatraman, Jl. Swadaya 1 RT14/09 Manggarai Tebet Jakarta Selatan
Status Menikah
Pekerjaan Pegawai Swasta
Keterangan Drummer
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