AB Three is the vocal trio of musicians orbitan results Younky Soewarno.Telah many good achievement outside maupaun in the country. The song We Are One and Never Stop was the song that brought them won awards overseas. AB Three-member Riafinola Ifani Sari or Nola, or Widi Widi Mulia and Lusi Rachmawati or Lusi. But in 2000 Louise resigned and was replaced by Cynthia Lamusu
* Cintailah Aku (1995)
* Kerinduanku (1997)
* Nyanyian Cintamu (1999)
* Auraku (2002)
* Selamat Datang Cinta (2006)
* International Festival of Romania (1994)
* Grand Prize Maxfest (1996)
* Winner Azia Dauysy Voice of Festival (1997)
* Third Place Midnight Sun Song Festival, Finland (1995)
* Indonesia International Song Festival (1995)
* The Distant Accord Award (1997)
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