Free Download MP3 Base Jam BAND

Base Jam is a young band formed on January 15, 1994. Formation of their original personnel consisted of Bambang Sutanto (BS, Drums), Adon Saptowo (Adon, Vocals), Sigit Ward (Sigit, Vocals), Adnil Farsal (Adnil, guitar), Ardi Isnandar (Aris - guitar) and two female personnel, Diamond Princess Werdiniadi (Anya, Keyboard) and Ardhini Citrasari (Sita, Bas).

Starting from the get-togethers and jamming, and then forming this band, and make the name of Jam Base. Sita's father who happened to know Harry Patience and then deliver them to 'learn' on it. Base Jam first sign a contract with PT. Musica Studios, and released their first album, Dreaming and the second album Fly.


1. Bermimpi (1996)
2. Dua (1997)
3. Ti3a (1999)
4. Emp4t (2000)

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